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WYWS review

WYWS is not one but rather two inline videos packed into one dvd, which after long waiting, numerous trailers and pretty much noise on messageboards, finally arrived. I think it is the perfect video for those who are looking for a  video with new, upcoming rollers who present enough high level to keep you amused. The editing is done very properly.
Well know way of fluent connection between sections ( just like in Valo DVD) also is used here and gives the whole thing the nice flow. Moreover the movie is interlaced with lots of cool edits which distinguish it from the others. Let`s say the Progression clip – which presents the hard process of learning a new trick – great idea to put in sth like this. Also what is worth mentioning, there are smashing montages from different competitions (street and park) – sth that is very enjoyable but is lacking in lots of recent videos. They are also very well edited, with tons of huge tricks not to miss. The Comp edit sections includes  Torronto Street Battle, ESPN sk8park Atlanta, Vertigo, Boston Battle, Revolt Comp.
Let`s move out to the profiles. Well the first thing which coems to my mind is that this flick should be called Dan Barnes  - why you may ask ? On the whole dvd there are like 4 profiles of this guy, with the great deal of his tricks in every montage section.  Fortunately Dan`s skating is so flawless and effortless that having so much tricks of him in one dvd is not disturbing. His speciality – step, stair-centered rails, excellent backside backslide, lots of 450 front royales and switch ups like ao top soul to full cab roayle etc. Everything with so much ease…
Another profiled guy is 15 years old Jon Jon Bolino – such young age and already he is on Deshi, 2nd regime just to name a few. Almost all of his tricks are some spins like hardsin fishes, topsouls , 360 souls, acids and so on. This guy is really making a name for himslef – soon he will be at the top of the game. Section of Arsenio P. has a huge number of magic tricks varations, some of you may love it, especially if you are into handicap raill skating, yet for some of you it can have lack of diversity. 
In the end we have  a lots of bonus sections with the Phisical Phenomenon (previously mentioned second full video) on the lead, which is worth alone to get this dvd. Overall I was pretty impressed by this flick and can honestly recommend it as your another video to buy!!